Senior-Level Attorneys

(With Over Ten Years of Experience)

If you are an experienced attorney with more than ten years of experience, ESQ Resume can help you to transition your legal career in the right direction. ESQ Resume will work with you one-on-one to create a resume and cover letter package that will command attention and set you apart from the competition. The task of boiling down several years of legal experience into a clear and concise resume can be challenging. You need a resume that effectively showcases your qualifications, accomplishments, and experience in a hard-hitting and compact presentation.

Upgrade to Resume Editing (Senior Level)


Upgrade to Resume Editing (Senior Level)

Resume Creation


One of our professional resume writers will create your resume from scratch or provide substantive changes to your existing resume’s content and format.

Resume Editing


One of our professional resume writers will re-format your existing resume, giving it the fine-tuning and polish it needs for maximum effectiveness.

Additional Focused Resume


If you have different skill sets, or are looking to change career paths, ESQ resume will create an additional resume that is best suited for this job search or position.

Resume Tailoring


After receiving your Attorney Resume Creation or Attorney Resume Editing, you may need to tailor your resume to a specific job.

Cover Letter Creation


One of our professional resume writers will create one (1) substantive cover letter to submit to different employers.

Cover Letter Tailoring

$45 per position

One of our professional resume writers will tailor your existing cover letter for one (1) new position.

Platinum Package

$440 ($50 discount)

This package includes Resume Creation, Cover Letter Creation, and a choice of two (2) additional services.

Gold Package

$335 ($20 discount)

This package includes Resume Creation and Cover Letter Creation services.

Silver Package

$280 ($20 discount)

This package includes Resume Editing and Cover Letter Creation.

LinkedIn Profile


Looking for work? If you have exhausted all of the traditional forms of networking, you should consider using an Internet networking tool like LinkedIn. Already have a LinkedIn profile? Make it work for you.

Extended Resume Service (9 months)


Select this service if you want to extend the standard 30 day resume editing period up to 9 months.

Extended Resume Service (6 months)


Select this service if you want to extend the standard 30 day resume editing period up to 6 months.